Exhibitions until 2016
Optimizing processes, efficiency, permanent accessibility. The everyday life a race against time. But the more we save time the less we have it. The standard – and status formula: „No time left.“ Our past, data conserved and available. Projections have an influence of tomorrows actions. The present, a narrow range between before and after. How actually we handle time? What sort of relation we have with time? The exhibition Was tun mit der Zeit (What to do with time) discloses an area of conflicting themes, which makes visible the dialectics of rest and movement, deceleration and acceleration, incidence and duration, consistency and constant change.
Participating artists:
Daniela Brugger (CH), Chen Fei (DE), Andreas Frick (CH), Gertrud Genhart (CH), Karin Hochstatter (DE), Matias Huart (CH), Jorim Emanuel Huber (CH), Olga Jakob (DE), Sebastian Mundwiler (CH), Anne-Chantal Pitteloud (CH), Marion Ritzmann (CH), Ingrid Rodewald (FR), Letizia Romanini (FR), Frida Ruiz (DE), Raphael Spielmann ( DE), Patrick Steffen (CH), Fred Walter Uhlig (CH), Caroline von Gunten (CH), Umut Yasat (DE)
Curators: Nila Weisser, Felizitas Diering
Wednesday, November 30th and December 14th at 7 p.m. Public guided tour
Saturday December 3rd 2016 at 2:30 p.m.: Regionale bus tour to Strasbourg
Saturday, December 12th at 2 p.m. commentated viewings with students of history of art
Sunday, December 11th at 2 p.m. "Die jungen Wilden" – Kids workshop (filing recommended)
Sunday, December 18th at 1 p.m. Public guided tour (Regionale bus tour)
Sunday January 8th 2017 at 10 a.m.: Regionale bus tour to Mulhouse
Friday, November 25th
at 8 p.m.
Introduction: Nila Weisser,
Felizitas Diering, curators
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Closed December 24th to 26th and December 31st , January 1st 2017
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
The Kunstverein Freiburg hosts seven galleries.
During the five day exhibition you will see the following artist:
Wednesday November 16th, 7 p.m.
Speakers: all
Thu – Su 12 – 6 p.m.
Free entrance
Our autumn season will be introduced by the first German institutional solo exhibition of the Argentinian Amalia Pica (*1978 in Neuquén Capital, AR; lives in London). Pica’s dynamic, sculptural installations and their performances, which she develops most of the time especially for them, generate new communicational forms and languages. You could get almost the impression that Pica constantly tries to reinvent the wheel of the artistic expression. Metaphors about the troubled newer political history of her south American home appear to form out of her works.
Wednesday, October 12th and October 26th at 7 p.m.
Public guided tour
Sunday, September 25th at 2 p.m.
"Die jungen Wilden" – Kids workshop
Wednesday, October 5th at 7 p.m.
Art salon with Herbert M. Hurka, publicist
Friday, September 16th
at 7 p.m.
Address of welcome at 7:30 pm
Heinrich Dietz, director
Introduction at 7:30 pm:
Caroline Käding, curator
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Open on German Unity Day
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
There will be shown a selection of paintings, drawings and sculptures of the entire artistic work by the in Freiburg living artist Bernd Seegebrecht (*1940 in Berlin). Starting with paintings from a variation of his few abstractions, made in the 1980’s, where the drawing rises from the heavy deposition/sedimentation of a deep layer of colour, finishing with the lighter science-fiction-like fantasy pictures of his newest figurations.
Wednesday, June 1st and June 29th at 7 pm Public guided tour
Wednesday, June 15th at 7 pm
Artist talk with Bernd Seegebrecht art critic Volker Bauermeister, Freiburg
Sunday, June 26th 2016 at 2pm
Die Jungen Wilden – Kids workshop
Wednesday, July 6th at 7 pm Kunstsalon with Christian Malycha, Art director, Kunstverein Reutlingen
Friday, May 13th
at 7 p.m.
Introduction at 7:30 pm:
Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Open on Whit Monday
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
Anna Barriball (GB), Susan Hiller (US), Sofia Hultén (S), Stephanie Kiwitt (D), Elizabeth McAlpine (GB), Lucy Skaer (GB), Emily Wardill (GB)
The spring time group exhibition explores the national and international artists’ abstract design vocabularies of paintings, photography, sculpture and film. Monochromes and repetitive or geometrical surfaces obfuscate performative and theatrical processes as well as historic portrayals and political claims.
The exhibition is sponsored by:
Sat, March 19th
at 7 p.m.
Introduction at 7:30 pm:
Caroline Käding
Tue–Sun, 12 p.m.–6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m.–8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Open during the Easter holidays.
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
The Swedish artist Henrik Håkansson (*1968 in Helsingborg, S; lives in Berlin and Falkenberg, S) became internationally famous with his installations. They deal with the consequence of the human influence on the environment. He combines cinematic and sculptural elements and acquires the role of the interloper and the destroyer, as well as the creator and carer of the growth of nature.
In the centre of the exhibition A tree (suspended) will stay a beech, which was already discharged by the forester. By request of the artist the beech was removed with the rooting.
Wednesday, February 10th and February 24th at 7 p.m.
Public guided tour
Sunday, February 17th at 2 p.m.
"Die jungen Wilden" – Kids workshop
Wednesday, February 17th at 7 p.m. Art salon with Andreas Baur, Director Villa Merkel, Galeries of the city Esslingen
SWR 2 "Midday Journal" Interview with Henrik Håkansson an Christian Gampert
broadcasted on February 9th 2016
Friday, January 29th
at 7 p.m.
Introduction at 7:30 pm:
Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
closed Tuesday, February 4th.
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
Next exhibition see season schedule.
Regionale 16 will continue our yearly practice of bringing together some of the best local and regional artistic voices.
The Given and the Made \ L’exposition sonde différentes voies qui peuvent être em-pruntées quand les œuvres, dans leur aspect, s’adaptent à des objets qui proviennent d’un certain contexte fonctionnel. Dans les domaines du design, du street art, de l’illustration, de la décoration intérieure, de l’architecture, ou de la publicité, ce contexte s’avère illusoire, car les œuvres sont des objets d’art qui se réfèrent à eux-mêmes.L’aspect fonctionnel permet à une œuvre d’art de s’étendre à l’espace social dans un autre domaine. En d’éfiant le visiteur, les artistes s’emparent également, dans «The Given an the Made», de formes familières, contournant leur fonction d’origine et défiant l’espace d’exposition qui se suffit à lui même et dans lequel elles sont montrées.
Artists / Artistes:
Marco Breu (D), Johanna Broziat (D), Ruth Buck (CH), Christoph Eisenring (CH), Myriame El Jorfi (F), Julien Fettkötter (D) (im öffentlichen Raum), Marcel Frey (D), Hamid Ghodratmand (D), Jannik Giger (CH), Piotr Iwicki (D), Wataru Murakami (D), Achim Sakic (D), Jillian Sieber (D), Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (F), Sara Wahl (D), Sascha Weber (D)
Curators / Commissaires d'expositions:
Caroline Käding, Nila Weisser
Friday, November 27th
at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Closed 24th - 26th December,
31st December 2015 and
1st January 2016
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
Works of the following artists will be shown:
Robin Kankapankatja – Artkelch
Marie Dréa, Andreas von Weizsäcker – Galerie Albert Baumgarten
Jürgen Giersch – Galerie G
Petra Frey, Bettina Bosch, Werner Windisch – Galerie Marek Kralewski
Arthur Stoll – Galerie Meier
Andrea Zaumseil – Galerie Pro Arte
Wednesday 18th November, 7 pm
Speaking: all
Tue – Su 12 – 6 pm
Free entranceConsolidating the theme of contemporary painting which has characterised our programme over the past few years, the young American artist Allison Katz (*1980 in Montreal, CA) will be creating an installation of her bold, stylistically diverse paintings, which span absurdist humour, dark irony and a playful surrealism. She runs right up to the edge of kitsch and cliché, at the last moment converting sentimentality into genuine sentiment.
Sunday, September 27th at 2 p.m. KKK-Familyworkshop
Wednesday, October 14th and October 28th at 7 p.m.
Public guided tour
Wednesday, October 21st at 7 p.m. Kunstsalon with Saim Demircan, curator, Kunstverein München
Friday, September 18th
at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
A presentation of some of the most ambitious and groud-breaking contemporary graphic art. Viewed within the context of the Kunstverein, this will be an opportunity to question and challenge some of the habitual divisions between 'popular art' and 'fine art'.
Friday, September 18th
at 7 p.m.
Introduction:Dirk Görtler
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
The first institutional exhibition of the young German artist Till Megerle (*1979 in Bayreuth, D) will present a selection from his semi-autobiographical series of diptych photographs of his family in their home environment. Megerle intimates the surreal gaps between who we are and how we seek to present ourselves.
The exhibition is sponsored by:
Friday, May 22nd at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Open on Feast of Corpus Christi
June, 4th 2015
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
Meriç Algün Ringborg (*1983 in Istanbul, TR), a young Turkish artist now based in Sweden, shows us language –which we usually take to be contingent on the real world it names and describes – generating its own physical objects. She has constructed a novel out of dictionary's 'example sentences', and furnished a space out of objects which reify their generic phrases. Her installations embody the imaginary space that every work of fiction creates for its readers.
The exhibition is sponsored by:
Friday, May 22nd at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Open on Feast of Corpus Christi
June, 4th 2015
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
Tony Swain (born 1967 in Lisburn, N. Ireland) paints on newsprint, a material that not only fragile, but also threatened as print media are seemingly rendered increasingly obsolete by online equivalents. Swain's fragmentary pictures correspond to the dismemberment of information on the pages where he paints. His delicate and meticulous compositions critique a culture that demands quick information and effect. This is Swain's first institutional solo exhibition in Germany.
The exhibition is sponsored by:
Thuesday, April 14th at 7 p.m.:
Dr. des. Sebastian Baden, art scientist, HfG Karlsruhe
Wednesday, April 22nd and 29th, each at 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 26th at 2 p.m.
Friday, March 20th at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free.
Open during Easter holidays, Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Since the 1970s, the American artist B. Wurtz (*1948 in Pasadena, California, USA) has been dismantling sculpture and painting and putting them back together so they obey unfamiliar gravitational laws. With a delightful arbitrariness, all the objects in his work must ‘have to do with clothes, food or shelter’. Sculpture, in his hands, is a reaching for the sky by putting one piece of bit of old wood on top of the other. He makes virtues of whimsy and doubt.
The exhibition is in corporation with:
and is sponsored by:
Sunday, March 22nd at 2 p.m.: talk with B. Wurtz
Wednesday, April 22nd and 29th, each at 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 26th at 2 p.m.
Friday, March 20th at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free.
Open during Easter holidays, Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Fittingly, the third installment of a project that brings together three artists from three neighbouring countries to create three group exhibitions of their work. The exhibitions, curated by a German, Swiss and French curator, take place in three consecutive venues, one in each country. Kunstverein Freiburg will be the first of the three venues. This trans-European concept produces collaborations that cross artistic boundaries as well as national frontiers. This year’s artists are Jeanne Berger (F), Thomas Dawidowski (G) and Alexandra Meyer (CH).
Friday, February 2nd at 7 p.m.
Introduction: Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €
Thu free, members free
..is to be translated.
Participating artists:
Camille Aurière (F), Lisa Biedlingmaier (CH), Petra Blocksdorf (D), Anne Carnein (D), Caroline von Gunten (CH), Maika Hassanbeik (D), Jeanette Huss (F), Jeannice Keller (CH), Una Kim (D), Elsa Noyons (F), Jens Reichert (D), Pierre Soignon (F), Xuan Wang (D)
Caroline Käding, Jennifer Trauschke
Wednesday, December 3rd and
17th at 7 p.m.: Public tour
Sunday, December 14th at 10 a.m.
bus trip to Regionale 15 in Basel
Sunday, December 21st at 10 a.m.
bus trip to Regionale 15 in Straßburg
Sunday, November 30th at 3 p.m. KKK-Family workshop
Friday, November 28th at 8 p.m.
Introduction 8:30 p.m.
Jennifer Trauschke
Tue – Sun 12 – 6 p.m.
Wed 12 – 8 p.m.
Mo closed
Closed from December 24th until December 26th and at December 31th and January 1st
Entrance 2 €/1,50 €
Thursday free, Members free
Wednesday, September 24th and October 22nd at 7 p.m. Public Tour
Sunday, September 28th at 2 p.m. KKK-Family Workshop
Saturday, September 20th at 11 a.m. Artists talk with Anne Hardy and Caroline Käding
Tues-Fri from 12-13
Kunstpause with a short guided tour
Free entrance and mineral water
Sunday, October 12th at 2 p.m.
English guided tour
Friday, September 19th at 7 p.m. Introduction, 7:30 p.m. : Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Open 3rd October, 1st November.
Closed 9th October.
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €; Thu free, members free
The paintings of the Los Angeles-based artist Mark Grotjahn (* 1968, Pasadena, USA) adopt the format and the emphasis on the work process of 20th-century American Abstract Art. Their serial structures, stylistic ramifications and semi-ironic adaptions of its valiant imagery can, however, be interpreted as a critical, post-modern commentary on this epoch. In his first institutional solo exhibition in Germany Grotjahn will show a new series of large-format paintings.
In cooperation with Carl-Schurz-House, Freiburg:
The exhibition is supported by:
Wednesday, May 21st and June 25th at 7 p.m. Public Tour
Sunday, June 01st at 2 p.m.
KKK-Family Workshop
Monday, July 07th at 7 p.m.
Art Salon with
Dr. Friedrich Meschede,
Director Kunsthalle Bielefeld.
Friday, May 16th at 7 p.m.
Introduction, 7:30 p.m.:
Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €; Thu free, members free
Jordan Baseman (* 1960, Philadelphia, USA) works with film, photography and sculpture, consistently drawing attention to the material of the respective medium. Although this attention is rational and objective, he does often record occult, transcendental experiences. For this he uses deconstructive methods, derived from early conceptual art, to design contents that are theoretically incompatible with the conceptual art approach. In this way Baseman effectively questions the ability of art to transcend the parameters set by the material - yet without relinquishing the possibility of realising this aspiration.
Wednesday, April 2nd at 7 p.m.
Art Salon with Barbara Filser, associate Institute for art science and media theory,Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).
The talk will take place in the Kunstverein.
Wednesday, March 26th and
April 30th at any one time
7 p.m. public tour
Sunday, April 6th
at 2 p.m. KKK- familyworkshop.
The workshop adresses interested people
from the age of 18 up.
Friday, March 21st at 7 p.m.
Introduction 7.30 p.m.
Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun 12 – 6 p.m.
Wed 12 – 8 p.m.
Mon closed
Easter days open.
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €;
free, members free
In the last thirty years Merlin James (* 1960, Cardiff, GB) gradually developed a complex pictural language. The exhibition Freestyle presents sceneries, figural and abstract compositions of his complete productive period. The exhibition makes it visible, that the painter −like an archaeologist of his own artistic formation− balances sporadic stylistic fluctuations of different formal languages negligible for the date of origin of the painting. Many a time the working process displaces the source of an initial subject of the painting according the method to take nonlinear decisions. Despite of all diversity- in his multifaceted oeuvre sounds the vision of a lost world.
Sunday, January 19th at 2 p.m.
Art Salon Merlin James talks with Franz Armin Morat, Morat-Institute for art and science of art, Freiburg.
The talk will take place in the Kunstverein.
Wednesday, January 29th and February 19th at any one time
7 p.m. public tour
Sunday, February 23th
at 2 p.m. KKK- familyworkshop
Friday, January 17th at 7 p.m.
Introduction 7.30 p.m.
Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun 12 – 6 p.m.
Wed 12 – 8 p.m.
Mon closed
Thu, February 27th closed
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €;
free, members free
The works of the exhibition “Beyond the Frame“ examine the borders between art and its context. In doing so they innovatively highlight how it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between these two concepts which were once so clearly opposed. Representation has been re-thought and takes the form of a convivial but also hopeless modification of the everyday life which it attempts to imitate. A seemingly necessary consequence of this is the appearance of repetition, triviality and absurdity in a work of art. Artistic/artificial time is opposed with real time as if part of a quantum physics experiment where time and space are presented as independent concepts which are to be redefined. Patterns and forms of daily life are presented as artistic models in the medium of collage, film, performance and installation.
Olga Allenstein (D), Diane Augier (F), Marion Cros (F), Eva Gadient (CH), Émeline Galhac (F), Rodrigo Hernández (D), Andreas Kalbermatter (CH), Antoine Mathieu (F), Alexandra Meyer (CH), Aleschija Seibt (D), Jade Tang (F)
Caroline Käding, director
Jennifer Trauschke, Co-Curator
Sponsored by:
Wednesday, December 4th and 18th at 7 p.m.: Public tour
Sunday, December 8th at 10 a.m. bus trip to Regionale 14 in Basel
Sunday, December 15th at 3 p.m. KKK-Family workshop
Wednesday, December 18th at 9:30 p.m. and Friday, December 20th at 5:30 p.m.
film showing „Dieter Roth“ (2003) www.koki-freiburg.de
Friday, November 29th at 8 p.m. Introduction, 7:30 p.m. Jennifer Trauschke
Tue – Sun 12 – 6 p.m. Wed 12 – 8 p.m. Mo closed
Closed from December 24th until December 26th
and at December 31th and January 1st
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €; Thu free, members free
Soft shell is the first solo institutional exhibition by Alice Channer in Germany. The title might connote the shell of an architecture or an animal, but devolves from represenation to signify a sculpture’s constructed form. Channer emphasises the blurring of distinctions between organic and synthetic forms, using sculpture as a metaphor for the denaturalised body. Under the skylight filtered by blue film, the space of the Kunstverein is envisaged as a transformatorial medium in which objects may be both art and artificial life.
Sponsored by:
Sunday, September 15th at 2 p.m.
Art Salon Alice Channer talks with Felicity Lunn,
Director Kunsthaus
CentrePasquArt, Biel, Switzerland
Wednesday, September 25th and October 10th at 7 p.m. :
Public tour
Sunday, October, 20th at 2 p.m.
KKK-Family workshop
Friday, September 13th at 7 p.m.
Introduction, 7:30 p.m.
Caroline Käding
Tue – Sun 12 – 6 p.m.
Wed 12 – 8 p.m.
Mon closed
October 3rd and November 1st open
Entrance fee: 2 €/1,50 €;
Thu free, members free
In this exhibition 23 graduates of the master-classes of the art academy Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe and the branch campus Freiburg will show their artwork at the same time in the rooms of the E-Werk Freiburg and at the Kunstverein Freiburg. The special nomination to a “Meisterschüler“ is a mayor honor, which is given to selected students of the academy. This annual touring exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and Art oft the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The exhibition is curated by the professors Leni Hofmann and Franz Ackerman in cooperation with their master-class students.
Exhibitory Artists:
Kyra Beck, Andrea Buchholz, Anne Carnein, Ji Hyun Chun, Henriette Franken, Janes Gärttner, Bo Hyun Gu, Martina Harder, Maika Hassan-Beik, Oleg Kauz, Una Kim, Jörg Nemela, Kriz Olbricht, Christina Pasedag, Ellen Poppy, Joel Roters, Lukas Schneeweiss, Henning Schwarz, Katja Schwinn, Jörg Sobott, Fabian Schoog, Henry Staschik und Maria Tackmann.
In cooperation with:
The exhibtion is supported by:
Wednesday, May 5th and
June 26th 7 p.m. public tour
Sunday, June 9th at 2 p.m.
Monday, July 1st at 3 p.m.
Studitour Freiburg, visit of the studios of the art academy in cooperation with Studentenwerk Freiburg
Friday, May 17th at 6 p.m.
Welcoming speech:
Prof. Ernst Caramelle, vice chancellor of the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
Introduction: Caroline Käding,
director of the Kunstverein Freiburg
Performances by Ji Hyun Chun, Janes Gärttner, Sophie Innmann, Helena Neubert and Lisa Schlenker
08:30 p.m.
Opening at E-Werk Freiburg
Introduction: Dr. Heike Piehler, director of E-Werk Freiburg and
Dr. Ulrike Lehmann, managing board of E-Werk Freiburg
Reading by Fabian Schoog
From 10:30 p.m.
Opening party with DJ Farmer/Berlin and DJ Antidot/Karlsruhe at E-Werk Freiburg
Tue – Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Open on Whit Sundy, Whit Monday and Feast of Corpus Christi
2 € / 1,50 €
On Thursdays free
members free
The exhibition is financially supported by:
Wednesday April 10th and Thuesday April 30th 7 p.m. public tour
Wednesday, April 24th, 7 p.m.
Kunstsalon with Markus Tillier, Cellist of SWR Sinfonieorchester
Baden-Baden and Freiburg
Sunday, April 14th, 2 p.m.
Friday, March 22nd 7 p.m.
Introduction 7.30 p.m.:
Caroline Käding
8 p.m.
All Wars Are One War
Piano, violoncello, timpani and voice-performance
with Markus Tillier, violoncello und Lorenz Behringer, timpani
Tue - Sun, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Admission: 2 €/1,50 €
On Thursdays free, members free
For the Kunstverein Freiburg, Sean Edwards created a site responsive installation made of shelves which spans the whole length of the ground floor in the exhibition hall. It is a hybrid between design, object, furniture and sculptural barrier. It occupies and divides the room, as well as influences the movement of the visitors. Edwards often uses curious sculptures and objects which he finds for his installations. While visitors brood over the newly structured room, the installation simultaneously develops a story.
Wednesday, June 20 and July 18, 7 p.m. Tour of the exhibit Art Break at the Kunstverein Tu. – Fri., 1 – 2 p.m. 12:45 p.m., short tour of gallery. Mineral water will be provided. Admission is free.
Wednesday, September 19 and
October 10 2012, 7 p.m.
Tour of the exhibit.
Sunday, September 23, 2 p.m.
KKK Family workshop.
Wednesday October 24, 7 p.m.
Parlour with Isabel Herda
Director of Museum for modern art, Freiburg
Friday, September 14, 7 p.m.
Introduction Caroline Käding
7.30 p.m.
Tue – Sun, 12 – 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 – 8 p.m.
Mon, closed
The prints of John Divola are documents of interventions, often derelict housing estates which are typical for his hometown Los Angeles. Barren interior build the surrounding area and medium for his installations. They contain his spray painted grafitis that are made out of arranged objects inside the room. Because of his additions each room transfers into a formalistic artwork inside the photographic frame, into a documentation of traces of performances, as well as a sociological comment.
Wednesday, June 20 and July 18, 7 p.m. Tour of the exhibit Art Break at the Kunstverein Tu. – Fri., 1 – 2 p.m. 12:45 p.m., short tour of gallery. Mineral water will be provided. Admission is free.
Wednesday, September 19 and
October 10 2012, 7 p.m.
Tour of the exhibit.
Sunday, September 23, 2 p.m.
KKK Family workshop.
Tuesday October 23, 7 p.m.
Parlour with Andreas Ernst,
alias Zoolo, Graffiti artist, Freiburg
Friday, September 14, 7 p.m.
Introduction Caroline Käding
7.30 p.m.
Tue – Sun, 12 – 6 p.m.
Wed, 12 – 8 p.m.
Mon, closed
Since the early 1990s, Rob Pruitt’s (1964, Washington DC, U.S.) work has been associated with postmodern pop aesthetics and political satire. In the installation HISTORY OF THE WORLD, Pruitt has transfigured the main gallery of the Kunstverein into an archeological landscape, with fiberglass models of dinosaurs, made by a supplier that produces these models for regional natural history museums. After being cast, they were chromed, which gives them a dark sheen and causes them to appear as though they’ve just crawled out of a tar pit. The dinosaurs, in turn, gaze upon massive oil paintings, which depict the rooms of dwellings where hoarders live. With this mélange of historical epochs depicted, Pruitt’s exhibition intends to portray a condensed version of the history of the world.
Wednesday, June 20
and July 18, 7 p.m.
Tour of the exhibit
Art Break at the Kunstverein
Tu. – Fri., 1 – 2 p.m. 12:45 p.m., short tour of gallery. Mineral water will be provided. Admission is free.
Friday, May 25, 7 p.m.
Tue – Sun, 1 – 6 p.m.
Wed, 1 – 8 p.m.
Mon., closed
Open on Pfingstmontag
Admission: 2 € / 1,50 €
Free on Thursdays
Free for members
Please contact Kunstverein Freiburg for detailled information.
Please contact Kunstverein Freiburg for detailled information.
Jean-Jacques Dumont (F) l Christian Ertel (D) l Bianca Hildenbrand (CH) l Esther Hunziker (CH) l Piotr Iwicki (D) l Sophie Jung (CH) l Joséphine Kaeppelin (F) l Kasia Klimpel (CH) l Rahel Lenz (CH) l Patrizia Maag-Barbieri (CH) l Jisook Min (F) l Linus von Poswik / Tobias Ergenzinger (D) l Dorothée von Rechenberg (CH) l Christina Schmid (CH) l Marco Schuler (D) l Claudia de la Torre (D) l Lydia Wilhelm (CH)
November 25, 2011, 8 pm
Michael Dean, untitled, 2006
Please contact Kunstverein Freiburg for detailled information.
Please contact Anne Schreiber for detailled information.
Participating artists:
William Daniels (* 1976, GB), Sabine Hornig (* 1964, D),
Sharon Lockhart (* 1964, USA),
David Musgrave (* 1973, GB),
Ugo Rondinone (*1964, CH), Ariel Schlesinger (* 1980, IL).
Please contact Kunstverein Freiburg for detailled information.
Please contact Kunstverein Freiburg for detailled information.
Artist: Peter Vogel
Title: Black Hole
Copyright / Courtesy: Peter Vogel
Participating artists:
Celia Brown (D) | Linda Cassens Stoian (CH), Annette Merkenthaler (D) | Gianin Conrad (CH) | Jean-Jacques Delattre (F) | Maya Diether (CH) | Mischa Düblin, Fabian Hachen (CH) | Frank Feyertag (D) | Agathe Fleury (F) | Marck Foerster (D) | Irene Galindo Quero (D) | Stefanie Gerhardt (D) | Claire Guerrier (CH) | Ralph Hauswirth (CH) | Hösl&Mihaljevic (D) | Christian Peter Imhof (CH) | Anne Immelé (F) | Julia Kicey (CH) | Florine Leoni, Sylvain Baumann (CH) | Jürgen Oschwald (D) | Cora Piantoni (CH) | Christoph Poetsch (D) | Monika Rechsteiner (D) | Richard Schindler (D) | Lisa Schlenker (D) | Max Philipp Schmid (CH) | Yolaine Schmitt (F) | Cornelius Schwehr (D) | Peter Vogel (D) | Katrin Wegemann (D) | Nefrit Zéroual Chevalier (F)
Performances: Mischa Düblin, Fabian Hachen (CH) | Julia Kicey (CH) | Jürgen Oschwald (D) | Yolaine Schmitt (F)
Artist: Maya Diether
Title:At the sea
Date: 2009
/ 5-Channel-Video, wall drawing
Copyright / Courtesy: Maya Diether
Kunstverein Freiburg
Press preview
Friday, September 17 at 11am
Friday, September 17 at 7 pm
The artist John Stezaker will be attending the press preview and the opening and will also be available for
John Stezaker's (*1949) Surrealistic or Dadaesque collages – using early black and white show business photographs – have brought him international acclaim. For his forthcoming exhibition Lost Images at Kunstverein Freiburg he intends making a departure from his normal procedures by presenting a series of posters showing unmanipulated promotional portraits of forgotten actors, who probably were never recognised even in their own lifetimes. Of course, we can now assume these are pictures of the dead, making the show a tangential memorial. Presented in the setting of the gallery, and also on bill boards throughout the city, these posters are further removed from any meaning they may have original possessed by their setting in a new era and under radically different conditions that they must have been intended for. They appear as stranded, unplaceable and dysfunctional. The onus is placed on the viewer to improvise a framework within which to comprehend them. Although they belong, by an attenuated thread, to our postmodern celebrity culture – in which images of individuals are circulated as commodities – they might be relics of a lost civilisation, to which we try to forge a connection. To accompany the exhibition Stezaker was also invited to put together a pictorial essay for the British magazine „Mono”. This magazine which is published bimonthly consists exclusively of pictures and invites different artists or curators to edit an edition each time. The edition will contain works from the exhibition Lost Images and will be displayed during the exhibition. Since the 1970s John Stezaker works with pictures from catalogues, magazines, books or post- and autograph cards and newly assembles the found material. His oeuvre has been exhibited internationally and has been formative for many contemporary artists such as Peter Doig, Chris Ofili or Isaac Julien. Stezaker’s technique of collage opens a motivic and stylistic band width of references. Besides the references to the movie and advertisement industry also to concepts of psychoanalysis and gender issues.
Opening hours:
Tue- Su 12 - 18 h | Wed 12 - 20 h | Mo closed
Entrance 2 € / 1,50 € | Thursdays free | Members free
Anne Schreiber
Research Assistant
Kunstverein Freiburg
Dreisamstr. 21
79098 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 349 44
Fax: +49 761 349 14
Richard Aldrich (*1975, USA)
Alexandra Bircken (*1967,D)
Alistair Frost (*1981, GB)
Katy Moran (*1975, GB)
(Rorschach), 2010
© Alexander Laner
Photo: Marc Doradzillo
x-times , myspace | k2
Following sessions: January 15 and 17, 2010, 8 pm
Artists of the region. In cooperation with different other art institutes.
Special theme: Performance
Opening: Thursday 17th November 2009 , 7 pm
Abb.: Anna Molska / Wojtek Bakowski, Completed, 2009 (Still)
Video, 15'21'', Farbe, Ton © Anna Molska / Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw
September 18 - November 8, 2009
The movie was produced by
Zachęta National Gallery of Art,
Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. and Deutsche Bank Foundation.
June 6 – August 10, 2008
“Place after Place”
Ergin Cavusoglu (*1968) is currently considered to be one of the most interesting video artists
in Great Britain. His video installations reflect the complex and incessantly changing migration
of people between places and countries. Often filmed in harbors, airports or marketplaces, his
videos treat the themes of the journey and the process of movement which determines our
reality. In this way they tell in a lyrical manner of the personal experiences of individuals within
a widespread collective history.
Please contact Kunstverein Freiburg for detailled information.